My inlaws are in town and our regular chores have been lagging. There's laundry to put away and old projects to clean up.
I finally got my amazing magnificent headboard!
Last night the seller emailed me to see if I still wanted it. I was so embarrased for bailing TWICE that I thought I would just let someone else have it.
I left the house before the babe was asleep (right as he was vomiting up his bottle from wrestling too hard - told ya so) and drove across town.
It is just as scrolly and perfect as it looked on craigslist and it is all mine for the great price of $30.
Getting it into my car - double parked - on a very busy one way street was quite the show. But it got in.
Now - when I'm done working today do I actually finish laundry and make our house presentable or do I paint?