Our monkey man is growing up really quickly. He's already over 9lbs 12 oz (his weight three days ago), tonight he smiled and laughed as Tim played with him, and we are starting to get the hang of this thing.
I know someday he'll be a man. I'm pretty sure he won't be much trouble - he'll be good (or at least good at pretending to be good), treat people well and occasionally maybe forget to do his homework. I'm already feeling like I have to cherish these moments. One of my favorites is when he's done nursing and he pops off with his lips pursed, then plops his head on my breast and sleeps. So sweet.
We're doing laundry twice a day and I can finally help out a little. Tim's been amazing and I can't imagine how people do this without him. I honestly don't know another man who I can imagine being as wonderful as my husband. It feels good to take a little of the burden of the house off him, but it's amazing how much mess there is.
I'm constantly cleaning poop off the walls, spit up off the floor and picking up breast pads, burp cloths, hats, baby socks, and for today, chocolate chips :)
Turner's got a little congestion, so last night we had to help him sleep sitting up. WE tried in his bouncy chair, but felt bad, so we took turns sleeping with him on our chest on the recliner. It wasn't the most comfortable sleep, but it was sweet to sleep with him the whole night. I missed Tim though.
Friday night we went to the Deyoung with my mom and mike. Tim and I ordered the prix fixe in the cafe and I had a glass of wine! Monkey slept the whole time. It was WONDERFUL to get out and even though I couldn't handle the museum, it gave me hope that we can go places.
Today we decided to go to the farmer's market (we canceled our vegi delivery b/c we don't have as much time to cook these days). After dressing him, packing a diaper bag and heading down stairs, we put him in the carseat in the garage while Tim and I tried to put together the stroller/car seat adaptor.
As we pulled out the stroller we found an OLD stale FUNKY milk sippy cup that belonged at one point to my nephew. It had spilled all over the bottom of the stroller. Tim had to clean that out and almost threw up.
As he struggled to put together the stroller, Little T started to cry, so I took him in the car to feed him. When he took a break I burped him, and he threw up on my shoulder. He then pooped, so once Tim was ready to go, we decided to change him in the car. Clearly this is a parenting mistake - we'll be feeding and changing in the house from now on. He proceeded to pee ALL over the car, all over Tim, and all over himself.
I took him upstairs to change him into a new outfit, got back in the car and were on our way.
When we got to the farmer's market, he immediately started crying b/c he was hungry, so I sat on a curb in the stonestown parking lot - boobs out - feeding him for about 30 minutes.
We eventually got our groceries (ended up holding him in our arms b/c he hated the stroller/carseat), got in the car and other than his screaming fit on the way home, we made it.
It was exhausting, but my confidence as a parent his increased a TON and I'm ready for the next challenge.
Lessons learned:
bring the moby or ergo wherever we go
find a nursing cover
eat breakfast before going out b/c it could take forever to get food
change baby in the house if you are anywhere near by.